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Radon Control

GP Series Radon Fans




TECHNICAL TIP: Do you know what happens if you stack one radon fan on top of the other? Installing two radon fans in a series will affect the performance of the mitigation system but may also affect the service life of the radon fans. In general, the static capability of two fans is doubled but the airflow remains about the same.


Contact Radon Control for more tips on this topic.

Radon Reduction Guide

Reducing Radon Gas Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Radon Professionals

What our customers say about GP Series Radon Fans:


"Every mitigation job requires different radon fan so I always keep all four fans in the back of my truck." -- Customer


"These are very quiet and right priced fans. Ideal solution for any standard ASD system" -- Customer


"Great fans, almost all of my active slab depressurization system are equipped with one of these radon fans." -- Customer


"My first radon fan I have ever installed was GP301 10 years ago. It's still running!" -- Customer


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1780 West Broadway

PO Box 14047 Delamont Po


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