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Radon Control

Radon Fan Installation Kit with 4" to 4" couplings

Radon Reduction Guide

Reducing Radon Gas Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Radon Professionals

These radon reduction system parts can be used with:

Radon Fan Installation Kit Contains:

- 4" x 4" (100mm x 100mm) flexible couplings (2 pieces)

- 4" (100mm) U-tube pressure measuring instrument (1 piece)

- Radon reduction system labels (Canadian)

- Radon reduction component labels (Canadian)

- Homeowner information brochure (1 piece)

- Instructions


Product Description:

Radon Fan Installation Kit contains all necessary components to make your radon reduction system state-of-the-art technology. The flexible couplings will effectively reduce the noise and vibrations caused by radon fan and the system labels will ensure its safe operation. In addition, comprehensive brochure will answer all questions that homeowners might have regarding the radon mitigation system functionality.

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PO Box 14047 Delamont Po


Radon Control

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